Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Journal #7 - Bullying

If there is one thing that I can absolutely not stand in the world is the concept of bullying. Why would you do that? Why would you purposefully belittle someone like that? Does it make you stronger or better? No. It just tears apart everyone involved, the bullies and the bullied alike.

Obviously, there is at least on person being affected in a bullying situation. The person being bullied. They are the person that is being made fun of/yelled at/picked on/etc. They do not deserve that much hatred. When you make fun of or bully a person, you are pointing out their flaws and weaknesses and using them to your advantage. That is the lowest thing I have ever heard of. How cruel do you have to be to actually have the guts to do that to someone? Anyways. The person being bullied has to try and put up with this. But, let's say they can't. What do they do then? They go into a depression or something of that sort. They lose their confidence and expose more of their weaknesses to the person bullying them, which only brings on more bullying. The person who is being bullied is being torn apart from the inside, or maybe even the outside, just by being called out and made fun of.

Not only is the person being bullied affected by the bullying process, but also the bully. Most of the time in bullying situations, the bully will not realize how much it is affecting them. Truthfully, it is affecting them a lot. When you bully someone - not that I have had any experience in it -, you are gradually or even drastically altering your attitude and mannerisms. Once someone begins to bully another person, they become more violent, rude, sarcastic, and overall mean. Most of the time, the bully gets a sense of pride after they are done bullying the person. They feel like they have accomplished something. They grow accustomed to this great feeling of power and domination that they begin to cling to it. Soon, it would become so addicting to them that they would not be able to stop. Without that feeling of power, they are nothing. In order to compensate for this loss of power, they bully more and more and more. It would tear apart their very being from the inside until there is nothing left. Maybe I am being a little dramatic with this, but it is the truth. There are people out there who feel that they need to bully others to feel good themselves. They are self conscious. So, they use other people's weaknesses against them in order to not expose their own. To know that there are people out there like that who bully because they feel they need to... It is just sad. In a way, I feel bad for them just about as much as I feel bad for those who are bullied.

So, in all, both sides of the bullying process are effected greatly by it. You could either be mentally deteriorating yourself as a person or losing your self esteeem. Either way, bullying is just a horrible thing that should never ever take place.

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