Everyone has their own ways of living their lives. Some people go with the flow, where some others create a set of rules by which they go about living. I personally go with the flow. I choose to do what I feel is right, and that has always worked for me. Unfortunately, for this assignment, I must create a set of virtues to follow. Not that that would be to hard.
I will make an effort to open doors for those I feel need help! Some examples are: crippled people, injured people, the elderly, and the small children who just can not push that door open. This does not mean I will not open the door for those who are able, I just will make more of an effort to be that person who takes a stand and helps out. I will always be polite, unless the situation requires a more firm approach. I will maintain a healthy, Christian life. I believe that having and living by a religion is good for a stable life of love and happiness. I will maintain humor in my life, bringing joy to those around me. I have always felt that a life without humor and laughter is not a life at all. If life does not bring you such happiness, what reason would you have to live? I also believe in the virtue of silence. As I have been taught many times in the past, "If you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all." By staying quiet, you avoid conflict. I do not like conflict, so this is a good virtue for me to live by. Another virtue that I would choose to live by is tranquility or peacefulness. Going on with what I said about the last virtue of silence, I hate conflict. Why would I try to get stressed or angry when I have the option of staying calm and not allowing myself to become mad? If I do not let conflicts get to me, I will not become too emotional, and therefore I would be able to stay happy.
With these virtues at my side, I would be able to live a much more fulfilling of a life, so I may just have to choose to live by them full time.
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